Upcoming Events April 2014

Boston - USA
Date: March 20 - April 6, 2014
Festival: 13th Boston Turkish Film and Music Festival
Place: Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Information: http://www.mfa.org/programs/series/13th-annual-boston-turkish-film-festival
This event is sponsored by a major grant from the Turkish Cultural Foundation.

Raleigh - USA
Date: April 1, 2014
Lecture: “Exploring Turkey's Culinary Heritage” by Banu Ozden, Project Executive, TCF Culinary Arts Center-YESAM.
Place: North Carolina Museum of History
Information: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/ata-nc/attachments/1099268750
This event is supported by TCF under the TCF Lecture Series in Turkish Culture and Art.

Santa Fe - New Mexico
Date: April 1 - 30, 2014
Photograph Exhibition: Portraits of Turkey: Troy to Taksim Square, Photography by Kerri Cottle
Place: Santa Fe Public Library, Main Library, 145 Washington Avenue, Tybie Davis Satin Gallery
Information: http://www.santafelibrary.org/art.html
Contact: kerricottle@msn.com
Kerri Cottle is a participant on the Turkish Cultural Foundation’s 2013 Teacher Study Tour to Turkey.

New York - USA
Date: April 3 - 5, 2014
Seminar: “From Stone Press to Continue System: The technology that Shaped the Extraction of Olive Oil in Anatolia through the Ages,” by Banu Ozden, Project Executive of TCF Culinary Arts Center - YESAM
Place: Roger Smith Hotel
Information: http://www.thefoodconference.com/
This lecture is supported by TCF.

Date: April 4, 2014
Lecture: "Roy Lichtenstein" by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ucar
Place: Abant Izzet Baysal University, Izzet Baysal Culture Center
Information: http://ajanda.ibu.edu.tr/?p=136881
Alpaslan Ucar is a recipient of the 2008-2009 TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

London - United Kingdom
Date: April 4 - 6, 2014
Fair: Ipek Kotan's Works at Ceramic Art London 2014
Place: The Royal College of Art, Kensington Gore, London SW7 2EU
Information: http://www.ipekkotan.com/Home.html
Ipek Kotan has been a featured artist at the TCF/ARMAGGAN Art and Design Gallery Turkish Modern Art Exhibition at SOFA.

Sarajevo - BOSNIA
Date: April 5-10, 2014
Presentation: "Topkapı Sarayı Harem Dairesi’nde Duvar Yazıları ile Harem Dairesi'ndeki Eğitim ve Kadınların Yaşamı Üzerine" by Dr. Canan Cimilli at the II. International Turkic Arts, History and Folks Congress, organized by the International Sarajevo University and Selçuk University
Information: http://www.fdp.selcuk.edu.tr/Sayfa.aspx?birim=206&sayfa=8197&dt=1&goster=duyuru
Canan Cimilli is a recipient of the 2014 TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

Sarajevo - BOSNIA
Date: April 5-10, 2014
Presentation: "Turkish Ornaments on Chinese porcelain" by Serkan Gedük at the II. International Turkic Arts, History and Folks Congress, organized by the International Sarajevo University and Selçuk University
Information: http://www.fdp.selcuk.edu.tr/Sayfa.aspx?birim=206&sayfa=8197&dt=1&goster=duyuru
Serkan Gedük is a recipient of the 2014 TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

Sarajevo - BOSNIA
Date: April 5-10, 2014
Presentation: "Hünkar Sofası'ndaki 2010-2013 Yılları arasında Restorasyon Çalışmaları ve Yapılan İmalatlar sırasında ortaya çıkan yeni buluntular" by Deniz Balkan at the II. International Turkic Arts, History and Folks Congress, organized by the International Sarajevo University and Selçuk University
Information: http://www.fdp.selcuk.edu.tr/Sayfa.aspx?birim=206&sayfa=8197&dt=1&goster=duyuru
Deniz Balkan is a recipient of the 2014 TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

Ann Arbor - USA
Date: April 7, 2014
Lecture: “Exploring Turkey's Culinary Heritage” by Banu Ozden, Project Executive, TCF Culinary Arts Center-YESAM.
Place: Washtenaw Community College
This event is supported by TCF under the TCF Lecture Series in Turkish Culture and Art.

Istanbul - TURKEY
Date: April 8 - May 5, 2014
Exhibition: "donoteatme - banaengelolma" by Nadia Arditti
Place: Art 212
Information: www.nadiaarditti.com
Nadia Arditti has been a featured artist at the TCF/ARMAGGAN Art and Design Gallery Turkish Modern Art Exhibition at SOFA.

Paris - FRANCE
Date: April 11, 2014
Lecture: "L'orfèvrerie ecclésiastique en relation avec l'esthétique ottomane: approche méthodlogique" by Dr.Lilyana Stankova
Place: College de France  
Information: http://www.college-de-france.fr/site/en-agenda/_agenda.jsp?from
Lilyana Stankova is a recipient of the 2008-2009 TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

Washington, D.C. - USA
Date: April 12, 2014
Lecture: “Exploring Turkey's Culinary Heritage” by Banu Ozden, Project Executive, TCF Culinary Arts Center-YESAM.
Place: Cafe Divan
Information: http://www.lesdamesdc.org/
This event is supported by TCF under the TCF Lecture Series in Turkish Culture and Art.

Seattle - USA
Date: April 12 - 13, 2014
Festival: Seattle International Children's Friendship Festival
Place: Seattle Center, Fisher Pavilion
Information: http://childrensfest.tacawa.org/
This event is supported by a major grant from the Turkish Cultural Foundation.

Cary - USA
Date: April 13, 2014
Festival: 6th Annual Nazim Hikmet Poetry Festival
Place: Page-Walker Art and History Center
Information: http://www.nazimhikmetpoetryfestival.org/index.php?id=3
This event is sponsored by a major grant from the Turkish Cultural Foundation.

Istanbul - TURKEY
Date: April 16, 2014 3:00 pm
YESAM Lecture: “History of Wine in Anatolia” by Murat Yanki, Sommelier.
Place: TCF Culinary Arts Center - YESAM
Information: http://www.yemeksanatlari.org/en/upcoming-events.htm

Istanbul - TURKEY
Date: April 17 - 18, 2014
Ph.D. Workshop: "Christians and Muslims in nineteenth-century: approaching notions of ‘coexistence’ through written and oral sources" by Aylin de Tapia  
Place: Insitute Francais d'Etudes Anatoliennes  
Information: http://www.ifea-istanbul.net/
Aylin de Tapia is a recipient of the 2013 TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

Date: April 18, 2014
Lecture: "Beyond Haute Couture" by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alpaslan Ucar
Place: Abant Izzet Baysal University, Izzet Baysal Culture Center
Information: http://ajanda.ibu.edu.tr/?cat=1370
Alpaslan Ucar is a recipient of the 2008-2009 TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

Istanbul - TURKEY
Date: April 19 - 20, 2014
Presentation: "Osmanlı Hareminin En Çok Gezen Kadını: Gülnuş Sultan (The Most Travelling Woman of the Ottoman Harem: Gülnuş Sultan and Her Legacy)" by Dr. Muzaffer Ozgules at the International Symposium “Writing Women's Lives: Auto/Biography, Life Narratives, Myths and Historiography” organized by Women’s Library and Information Centre Foundation (WLICF) and Yeditepe University
Place: Yeditepe University
Information: https://www.wwl-symposium.org/en/
Muzaffer Ozgules is a recipient of the 2014 TCF Fellowship in Turkish Culture and Art.

Istanbul - TURKEY
Date: April 24, 2014
Seminar: "Finding New Life: Natural Dye Applications from Historical to new Textiles" by Emine Torgan, TCF Natural Dyes Research and Development Laboratory-DATU
Place: Arel University
Information: https://www.arel.edu.tr/
Lecture is presented in Turkish.

San Francisco - USA
Date: April 25 - 26, 2014
Event: Baghdad in its Golden Age (762-1300)
Place: Marines’ Memorial Theater
Information: http://www.humanitieswest.org/currentBagdhad.html
This event is sponsored by a grant from the Turkish Cultural Foundation.

The events listed on this newsletter require registration or invitation. For more information on how to attend, please visit the provided links.

For a listing of Turkish cultural events around the world, visit the TCF Calendar.

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